Welcome to HQ Foundation, where empowering Muslim women and challenging biased narratives are at the heart of our mission. Founded by the visionary duo, Karter Zaher and Doaa Alhawamdeh-Zaher, HQ Foundation emerged as a powerful force for change, inspired by the overwhelming impact of Hijabi Queen NFTs and Murals. In August 2022, we set forth on a transformative journey, determined to amplify the voices and stories of Muslim women across North America.

About HQ Foundation

Who we are

Our Mission

Her Story? Her Mic!

At HQ Foundation, our mission is simple yet profound: to empower Muslim women to flourish in the face of decades of biased narratives. We provide a dynamic platform that amplifies their voices and shares their stories, reclaiming the narrative and celebrating the strength, beauty, and diversity of Hijabi Queens.

Our Executive

Meet the Leaders

Doaa Alhawamdeh-Zaher

Karter Zaher
Executive Director

Collaboration and Impact

At HQ Foundation, we understand the power of collaboration. Partnering with local mural artists, such as Jayo in Los Angeles and Natasha May Platt in Brooklyn, allows us to infuse each mural with a unique touch, capturing the essence of the city and its people. We have also teamed up with esteemed public figures and organizations to bring our initiatives to life, creating a harmonious tapestry of support and empowerment. For instance, collaborating with Insight Academy in Los Angeles to unite their “Decorate Your Own Hijab” event with our Hijabi Queens Workshop!

Empowering Initiatives

The Hijabi Queens Murals

Our groundbreaking initiative, the Hijabi Queens Murals, stands as a beacon of representation and pride. With these majestic murals adorning the streets of major cities, we aim to help Muslim women feel seen and appreciated in their home-towns. More than just stunning works of art, these murals challenge the stereotypes that have plagued public perceptions, fostering understanding and appreciation within the broader community.

Making Waves

The impact of HQ Foundation's work has not gone unnoticed. We have been featured on prominent news outlets such as LA Times, CBS News, New York PIX11 News, and ABC News, garnering widespread attention and appreciation. The press conference for our Brooklyn Mural attracted influential public figures, leaving a lasting impression on the community.

Collaboration & Impact

At HQ Foundation, we understand the power of collaboration. Partnering with local mural artists, such as Jayo in Los Angeles and Natasha May Platt in Brooklyn, allows us to infuse each mural with a unique touch, capturing the essence of the city and its people. We have also teamed up with esteemed public figures and organizations to bring our initiatives to life, creating a harmonious tapestry of support and empowerment. For instance, collaborating with Insight Academy in Los Angeles to unite their “Decorate Your Own Hijab” event with our Hijabi Queens Workshop!

A Bright & Empowered Future

As we look ahead, HQ Foundation's future shines brightly. Our plans include expanding our reach through partnerships with organizations in major cities across America, ensuring that every Hijabi Queens Mural becomes a symbol of unity and pride. Through our short film and engaging workshops, we aim to nurture a society that embraces diversity and celebrates the unique stories of Muslim women.