
Hijabi Queens

Behind The Scenes

Boots on the Ground

Our vision is to help women achieve financial and economic self-sufficiency by providing them with opportunities for education, training, financial services and job creation. We work on the ground with our partners - in the communities we serve - to provide valuable products and/or service that people need to take control of their lives.

Client Facing

Women's empowerment is a critical component of peace, stability and prosperity. The United Nations has set itself the goal of achieving gender equality and empowerment by 2030, as well as addressing all forms of discrimination against women and girls.

We are a global movement of women and girls who are creating change in their communities, harnessing their power to achieve the goals they set for themselves. Through our programs, we work with local partners to support women's right to choose; address gender inequality; protect human rights; empower women and girls through education, leadership development and advocacy; improve community sustainability practices that affect lives directly or indirectly; and create economic opportunities for all.


Women empowerment is the cornerstone of my mission. Every day, I help entrepreneurs and small business owners create more inclusive environments that empower women everywhere to succeed. My expertise in communications allows me to break through barriers and reach a diverse audience.


Women's empowerment is a significant component of economic development and social change in communities. Women's empowerment may be defined as the effective use of human capital, skills, knowledge and information by women to achieve economic security and improve their status within society by increasing access to resources such as education, health care, employment and property rights.


This course will empower you to have the confidence, skills and knowledge to lead a successful women's empowerment project. You will be able to facilitate campaigns that reach thousands of women, create new platforms for women to speak up and share their stories, and use social media effectively as a tool for advocacy.

Women empowerment is a learning process that enables women to realize their own strengths and desires, which can lead to greater self-esteem and confidence. This course will teach you how to use your personal power, identify and understand your unique strengths, build networks of support, manage resources such as time and energy, get organized and communicate effectively in order to achieve your life goals.

Meet the Team

Guiding HQ Foundation's transformative journey is the President and Executive Director, Doaa Alhawamdeh-Zaher. Her unyielding dedication and passion drive our initiatives forward, infusing each project with authenticity and purpose. Alongside her is the Vice President, Karter Zaher, whose artistic vision and commitment to empowering the youth have left an indelible mark on our endeavors.

  • HQ Foundation emerged as a powerful force for change, inspired by the overwhelming impact of Hijabi Queen NFTs and Murals

  • Our groundbreaking initiative, the Hijabi Queens Murals, stands as a beacon of representation and pride

Become Volunteer Today!

The key to success is empowerment. Women empowerment is the key to progress and development. With the growth of women in every field, we are moving towards a world where women have equal rights with men and can make their own choice in life